art book cologne GmbH & Co. KG
Deutzer Freiheit 107
50679 Köln
Opening hours (office and showroom):
Monday to Friday 8 – 17
Phone: +49 221 800 80 80
Fax: +49 221 800 80 82
art book cologne, founded by Bernd Detsch in 1997, is a wholesale company and specializes in buying and selling high quality publications in art, art theory, architecture, design, photography, illustrated cultural history and all related subjects internationally. Our team includes specialists in art, culture, music, book trade and media but in spite of our diversity we have one common ground: the enthusiasm for unique art books.
We purchase remaining stocks from museums, publishers and art institutions. We sell these remainders to bookstores, museum shops, and art dealers all over the world.
Dealer Info | Trade discount 1 cpy. 30% | 2-3 cps. 35% | 4+ cps. 40% |
Publisher | De Ferrari |
Year | 2007 |
Cover | Paperback with flaps |
Language | Italian |
ISBN | 978-88-7172-852-0 |
Pages | 127 |
Weight | 640 g |
More | |
Type of book | Exhib'publication |
Museum / Place | Museo Civico, Palazzo Borea d’Olmo |
Article ID | art-50786 |
Der italienische Maler Enzo Maiolino (1926-2016) gehört zu den Künstlern der geometrischen Abstraktion. Sein Werk lebt aus der Geometrie und überzeugt durch die Transparenz der Malweise. Formen des Tangram (chinesisches Legespiel, das aus sieben geometrischen Figuren besteht) oder der Pentimino-Klötzchen (zwölf Figuren, die man aus fünf Quadraten bilden kann) werden transparent übereinander gelagert dargestellt und die Bildtiefe wächst in den Raum.