art book cologne GmbH & Co. KG
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art book cologne, founded by Bernd Detsch in 1997, is a wholesale company and specializes in buying and selling high quality publications in art, art theory, architecture, design, photography, illustrated cultural history and all related subjects internationally. Our team includes specialists in art, culture, music, book trade and media but in spite of our diversity we have one common ground: the enthusiasm for unique art books.
We purchase remaining stocks from museums, publishers and art institutions. We sell these remainders to bookstores, museum shops, and art dealers all over the world.
Publisher | Mumok Wien |
Year | 2011 |
Cover | Softcover in slipcase |
Language | English |
ISBN | 978-3-86930-299-7 |
Pages | 488 |
Weight | 2145 g |
Illustrations | with num. ills |
More | |
Contributors | Peter Bürger, Douglas Crimp, Achim Hochdörfer et al. |
Type of book | Catalogue |
Museum / Place | MuMoK, Wien |
Article ID | art-14446 |
Seven Books Grey is an updated, expanded version of Tacita Dean’s Seven Books (2003), and is an exploration of Dean’s oeuvre as it straddles film, drawing, photography, writing and book-making. Each book has a different focus and together they are an accurate survey of Dean’s work to date.
Book One: “Complete Works and Filmography 1991–2011” Book Two: “Selected Writings 1992–2011” (Dean’s writings) Book Three: “A Panegyric, Gaeta, Edwin Parker” (three projects made with and about Cy Twombly) Book Four: “Film Works with Merce Cunningham” Book Five: “Footage” (artist’s book with a text by Marina Warner taking a cultural-historical look at the foot and the significance of limping) Book Six: “Post-War Germany and ‘Objective Chance’: W.G. Sebald, Joseph Beuys and Tacita Dean” (essay by Christa-Maria Lerm Hayes) Book Seven: “Essays on the Work of Tacita Dean” (texts by Wolfram Pichler, Peter Bürger, Douglas Crimp and Achim Hochdörfer)
Tacita Dean was born in 1965 in Canterbury, studied at the Falmouth School of Art and the Slade School of Fine Art, and today lives in Berlin. Dean’s solo exhibitions include those at Tate Britain, the Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris and Schaulager, Basel.