art book cologne GmbH & Co. KG
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art book cologne, founded by Bernd Detsch in 1997, is a wholesale company and specializes in buying and selling high quality publications in art, art theory, architecture, design, photography, illustrated cultural history and all related subjects internationally. Our team includes specialists in art, culture, music, book trade and media but in spite of our diversity we have one common ground: the enthusiasm for unique art books.
We purchase remaining stocks from museums, publishers and art institutions. We sell these remainders to bookstores, museum shops, and art dealers all over the world.
Editor | Federica Tommasi |
Publisher | Electa |
Year | 2020 |
Cover | Hardcover |
Language | English, Italian |
ISBN | 978-88-918-2917-7 |
Pages | 704 |
Weight | 3640 g |
More | |
Contributors | Isabella Seràgnoli, Urs Stahel |
Type of book | Exhib'publication |
Museum / Place | Fondazione Mast, Bologna |
Article ID | art-79065 |
A volume addressed to those interested in studying the history and evolution of photography in the world of industry and business through the work of the great modern and contemporary masters and new generations of artists.
Over 800 pages of photographic masterpieces are published in large format. The book, in a bilingual Italian and English edition, brings together all the photographs exhibited at the Fondazione MAST in Bologna in 2018.
The first exhibition documented in the volume presents the projects of the photographers shortlisted for the Mast Foundation for Photography grant 2018 on industry and work. Mari Bastashevski, Sara Cwynar, Sohei Nishino and Cristóbal Olivares shed light on four geographical and human contexts that reflect the very rapid transformations taking place in the world on the economic and productive level and their environmental, social, and ethical implications in the lives of all of us.
The photographic investigation continues with the first Italian exhibition wholly dedicated to the American photographer W. Eugene Smith (1918-1978) and the monumental work he created starting in 1955 in Pittsburgh, at that time the world’s principal industrial city. Finally, the exhibition year is brought to an end with “Pendulum. Merci e persone in movimento” (Pendulum. Goods and People in Movement), an initiative that enabled the MAST Foundation the opportunity to present a new selection of works from its collection including photographs, video installations and photo-albums on the themes of industry and work.