art book cologne GmbH & Co. KG
Deutzer Freiheit 107
50679 Köln
Opening hours (office and showroom):
Monday to Friday 8 – 17
Phone: +49 221 800 80 80
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art book cologne, founded by Bernd Detsch in 1997, is a wholesale company and specializes in buying and selling high quality publications in art, art theory, architecture, design, photography, illustrated cultural history and all related subjects internationally. Our team includes specialists in art, culture, music, book trade and media but in spite of our diversity we have one common ground: the enthusiasm for unique art books.
We purchase remaining stocks from museums, publishers and art institutions. We sell these remainders to bookstores, museum shops, and art dealers all over the world.
Editor | Inka Schube |
Publisher | Walther König |
Year | 2013 |
Cover | Hardcover |
Language | English, German |
ISBN | 978-3-86335-303-2 |
Pages | 336 |
Weight | 2340 g |
More | |
Contributors | Inka Schube, Oksana Bulgakowa, Boris Groys et al. |
Type of book | Exhib'publication |
Museum / Place | Sprengel Museum, Hannover |
Article ID | art-69703 |
Boris Mikhailov's distinctiveness as a "book maker" is that he thinks of and develops photography in sequences, in spaces and cuts, in the forms of its montage. Viewed as a whole the books and book drafts, which often only exist as one original copy, create a retrospective of a very unique and intimate kind. The artist's books "Krymskaja Fotomanija" ("Crimean Photomania") and "Mountains", each with 128 pages, are shown here in facsimile, interrupted by 80 pages of illustrated text.
Boris Mikhailov is seen as a chronicler of the history of his Ukrainian homeland: the everyday life of the so-called "little people" on the street, on the beach, at dances - anywhere that the politic becomes visible in the private. Using this material Mikhailov develops comprehensive questionings on the conditions of human existence, as well as on the history and decline of the USSR and its consequences.